Cleaning the Inside of Cowboy Boots: 5 ways to Maintain Freshness.

AalyanRafi By AalyanRafi 6 Min Read

Cowboy boots are an embodiment of style, comfort, and tradition. While their exterior often garners attention, it’s equally vital to keep the interior clean for optimal comfort and hygiene. 

To clean the inside of cowboy boots, remove insoles and brush off dirt. Gently scrub with a vinegar-water solution, dry with newspaper, and use disinfectant if needed. Maintain freshness and comfort effortlessly.

This comprehensive guide offers insights on how to clean the inside of cowboy boots, ensuring that your footwear remains as fresh and inviting as your Western spirit.

1. Remove the Insole

Thorough Cleaning:

Begin by taking out the insole from your cowboy boots. This step allows you to clean both the insole and the inside of the boots separately, ensuring a thorough cleaning.

2. Brush off Dirt and Dust

Surface Preparation:

Employ a soft-bristled brush or a cloth to gently sweep away accumulated dirt and dust from the interior. Focus on the crevices, seams, and corners where debris tends to accumulate. For stubborn dirt or dust, a toothbrush can be an effective tool to reach into tight spaces.

3. Use a Cleaning Solution

Odour Removal

Create a cleaning solution by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and distilled water. This natural solution effectively tackles odours and residue that might have built up inside the boots over time. The acid in vinegar helps neutralise odour-causing bacteria.


Dip a soft cloth or a small brush into the cleaning solution. Gently scrub the interior surfaces of the boots, paying extra attention to areas that might have absorbed sweat or accumulated dirt. Avoid saturating the material; a damp cloth is sufficient.

4. Dry the Boots

Prevent Dampness:

After the cleaning process, facilitate quick and thorough drying to prevent the growth of bacteria or mould. Stuff the boots with newspaper or a clean, dry towel. These materials help absorb excess moisture and maintain the shape of the boots.


Place the boots in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Allowing them to air dry completely is crucial; dampness can lead to unpleasant odors and even damage the materials over time.

5. Use a Disinfectant


 For used cowboy boots, especially if they’ve been worn without socks or in environments that might harbour bacteria or fungi, it’s advisable to incorporate a disinfecting step. A 50:50 mixture of white vinegar and water serves as a natural and effective disinfectant.


 Gently apply the vinegar-water solution to the interior with a cloth, ensuring that it comes into contact with all surfaces. This step helps sanitize the boots, making them fresh and clean for your next wear.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How often should I clean the inside of my cowboy boots?

Depending on how often you wear them and the conditions they are exposed to, it’s recommended to clean the inside of your cowboy boots every few weeks or whenever they start to feel and smell less fresh.

Q2: Can I machine wash the insoles of cowboy boots?

Insoles of cowboy boots are often made of materials that may not withstand machine washing. It’s best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning them. If removable and washable, hand washing is a safer option.

Q3: Can I use a different cleaning solution besides vinegar and water?

While vinegar and water is a natural and effective cleaning solution, you can also use a mild soap diluted in water. Just make sure to rinse thoroughly to avoid leaving any soapy residue inside the boots.

Q4: How can I prevent odours from forming inside my cowboy boots?

Regularly cleaning and thoroughly drying your boots after wearing them can significantly prevent odours. Additionally, consider using odor-absorbing insoles or cedar shoe trees to help keep your boots smelling fresh.

Q5: Can I speed up the drying process with a hair dryer or heater?

It’s not recommended to use direct heat sources like hair dryers or heaters to dry your cowboy boots quickly. High heat can damage the leather or materials and alter their shape. Opt for natural air drying to maintain the integrity of your boots.

In conclusion, maintaining the cleanliness of the inside of your cowboy boots is paramount for both comfort and hygiene. By adhering to these steps – removing the insole, brushing off dirt, using a cleaning solution, facilitating proper drying, and employing a disinfectant when necessary you ensure that your cowboy boots remain a welcoming and pleasant space for your feet.

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